Ruthellen and Marc visit China: A Blog for our family and friends.

Dear Family and Friends:

Follow us on our adventures as we explore: Beijing, Xi'an, Guilin, the Yangtze River (from Chongquing - through the gorges - to Yichang), Shanghai and Hong Kong - from Oct. 12 - Oct. 31.

We welcome your comments and greetings.


Ruthellen and Marc

Friday, October 15, 2010


What is it about me that the focus of so many of my trips abroad seems to revolve around my bathroom habits?

Beijing is not a third world city. It is very modern and immaculately clean. However, outside of the hotels and high class shopping areas, the classic tourist spots only have "squat toilets". Not a problem for Marc, but had someone told me this, surely I would have only packed skirts - and gone commando.

Our day started at the Great Wall of China. We had the most beautiful, crisp and clear day. Before "climbing" the wall -- and make no mistake, one has to "climb" -- I ducked into the ladies facilities. Of course - squat toilets only. I straddled the hole, placing each sneaker in a puddle of piss, pulled my pants forward and proceeded to pee. Fortunately I knew that China toilets re BYOTP and I was clutching a few kleenexes. Then it was time to unsquat and return to standing position. My thigh muscles froze and there I was, sneakers in the slippery puddle of piss, unable to stand upright. Slight panic but then, miraculously I righted myself, pumped the flusher and got the hell outta there. Whew! After that, scaling the Great Wall was a breeze.

Later that afternoon when were at another tourist spot, the Summer Palaces, nature called once more. (Lunch included unlimited beer.) Make no mistake, I was a nervous wreck. However, I discussed it with Marc and came up with a plan to remove one leg from my jeans and underwear so I could stand upright. Of course, this necessitated my removing one sneaker and the laces fell into the puddle of piss. What could I do, I was holding my right pant leg. So, after finishing, I had to figure out how to tie my shoelace....ewwwwww. And, it was only the first of 14 days of touring. And -- I am probably the youngest and most agile female on this tour!

Never mind.

The Great Wall was great. And, the highlight was that last night, my daddy emailed me a photo of Temi at the wall - taken about 30 years ago. I found the spot - not so hard, the wall is only 4,000 miles long, and took the same picture. See for yourself. Aside from the fact that Temi is much more stylish, don't we look like the same person? Also -- it looks like Temi was wearing some kind of skirt. More stylish and much more practical!
More tomorrow!


  1. As you can obviously see from Grammy's photo, the sophisticated lady traveler wears skirts when faced with the possibility of eastern toilets.

    And The Great Wall must have been refurbished. Yours looks brand new.

    But, we are jealous of the fabulous time you both must be having. Maybe we'll be ready again in the next ten years or so.

  2. Well, Ruthellen, only a real lady could blog about her bathroom habits. You're amazing. I am sitting at my computer, alone in my office, and laughing out loud! Can't wait to read more about your adventures in China. - Christina
