Ruthellen and Marc visit China: A Blog for our family and friends.

Dear Family and Friends:

Follow us on our adventures as we explore: Beijing, Xi'an, Guilin, the Yangtze River (from Chongquing - through the gorges - to Yichang), Shanghai and Hong Kong - from Oct. 12 - Oct. 31.

We welcome your comments and greetings.


Ruthellen and Marc

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Little Brothers for Becky, Julie & Allie?

The children in China are soooooo cute  and friendly.  You know how dad has always wished for sons to carry on the Rubin (pronounced here:  Lubin) name?  Well, we visited the elementary school in the new old village of Feng Do (pronounced:  Fondue - as in Chocolate) or maybe it was the old new village of Feng Do.  I can't remember.  It is a "relocation village" where families who were displaced by the construction of the Three Gorges Dam were sent to live.  All the parents are in the "big cities" working in factories to make textiles for Mikey or hats for David Dickstein, and the little children are left in Feng Do to be raised by their grandparents.

So --- back to the story.  Daddy thought the kids were so cute that he thought we should bring home a few.  Specifically:   a few boys.  He chatted them up and finally picked out five.

We are so excited --- the Lubin name will live on.

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